Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting Up Early Can Influence Your Career, according to Scientific Study

Early morning people are better positioned for career success because they are more proactive, according to a survey of 367 University students in Heidelberg Germany. These students were more successful because they were willing to take action to change a situation.  Also they tended to get better grades which got them into better colleges  leading to better job opportunities. Eventually their proactively resulted in better job performance, career success and higher wages.

However evening people tend to be smarter and more creative than the morning types. They have a better sense of humor and are more outgoing even though they may be out of sync with the corporate schedule, reported Christopher Randler, professor of biology who conducted the study.
Can you change your biorhythms? In one study half of school students were able to alter their daily sleep/ wake schedules by one hour. The facts are that about 50% of a person's chronotype is due to genetics.
To change your biological clock you must change your type. This means that people who get up early have more time to prepare for their day but there is no guarantee that they will be more conscientious.
Getting up early also is deeply ingrained and part of societies Calvinist beliefs. There are different traits associated with each type. For example, morning people are thought to be agreeable, optimistic, stable, proactive ,conscientious and satisfied with life. Evening people, on the othe hand are creative, intelligent, humorous, extroverted, pessimistic, neurotic, and depressed.
Science still does not completely understand the circadian cycle. More research is needed to understand how to bring out evening peoples’ potential benefits in an organization. Studies also show that evening people adhere to another schedule during the week and weekends while morning people maintain the same time schedule during their time off according to an article which appeared in The Harvard Business Review, July-August 2010.